For your presentation and the following discussion:

For your presentation, you will have ten minutes to present and then your colleagues will have ten minutes to respond to your presentation. We will ask you to do the following:

  1. Share your screen so that your audience can see whatever materials you are talking about.  

  2. Provide us with some brief background information about the course or your experience teaching writing.

  3. Show us in more detail ONE part of your portfolio, and present or elaborate on your rationale or thinking in relation to this part.

  4. Please rehearse and time yourself and make sure that what you have planned stays within the ten-minute time limit, so that your colleagues have a chance to respond to your ideas. 

  5. You’re in charge of running the discussion that follows your presentation, so you’ll want to have some questions ready to ask your colleagues. This is a chance to explore your doubts and reservations and to elicit response that may help you improve your new materials, as well as stimulate further reflection on your writing pedagogy.