When should I expect to get paid and in what format?
You should all see this Seminar show up in Workday as of Tuesday, 1/19, and you should be able to enter your time there.
If you do NOT see this appear in Workday, please confirm that you have responded any outstanding emails from HR (may have come from AskHR or Workday@UVA). If this is your first time using Workday, you may need to fill out a new I9.
You need to make sure that you submit your time by Wednesday, 1/27, to be included in this pay period.
Link on Workday time entry: https://workday.hr.virginia.edu/workday-essentials
You should receive 2 payments:
$625 (for wages)—Assuming you have settled this item, you should receive this payment on 2/5.
$50 (for stipend to cover the course text)—You should receive this payment by 1/23.
What are the attendance, preparation and participation expectations?
You should expect to attend all live sessions according to the daily schedule and to participate actively.
You will have assigned preparation work (readings, videos, short writing assignments) in advance of each work day.
You will have a small "deliverable" due each day T-F (due by 11:59 p.m. on the assigning day).
On Friday, you will submit a portfolio and give a presentation.
At some point in the Spring semester, we will contact you for a one-hour follow up session to check in; this will likely take the form of a small group Zoom session. Attendance is mandatory (as part of what we all agreed to in signing up for this Institute). Our working plan is to let this session serve as 1 part check-in (how’s teaching going for you “on the ground”?) and 1 part practical support (possibly, bring a student submission or group of submissions that you need to respond to, and we can grade and/or discuss together). The session will take place around mid-term in March. Feel free to be in touch with queries between now and then.
What if I need to miss part of this week’s activities?
Emergencies happen. If you have an unavoidable scheduling conflict, please contact your instructors to make arrangements. Please cc: all 3 instructors (ac9we@virginia.edu, mjm4wj@virginia.edu, heidi.nobles@virginia.edu) on these messages to speed response times.
What do I do if my internet goes out?
Don't panic. Try to call in using the phone number in the meeting invitation (on Collab). Worst-case scenario, you'll be able to check the Cloud recordings of the sessions later, and you can keep up with the assignments by watching the website/Collab. Sign back in as soon as you're able, and reach out to your instructors via email when you're able. Please cc: all 3 instructors (ac9we@virginia.edu, mjm4wj@virginia.edu, heidi.nobles@virginia.edu) on these messages, to speed response times.