Unit 4:
Final Deadline
(Revising and Writing on Deadline)
This is our wrap-up unit, culminating in a final “exam.” We will spend the week working in editorial teams to curate past work, create new work, and articulate a philosophy of news writing and news reading.
You will receive a major project assignment during class on Monday, for submission by 12:59 p.m. on Thursday.
The final exam will take place during Friday’s class time, and submissions will be due by 3:15 p.m. that day (the end of the class period).
By the end of Unit 4, students should be able to:
Work to review and substantially revise existing work.
Explain clearly what changes they made and why (speaking to both rhetorical situation and literary style).
Articulate an entry-level understanding of what newswriting “is” in 2022 and their current philosophy in meeting current challenges as both reader and writer.
Write and self-edit a publishable report given a set of assigned materials, on a tight deadline (approx. 1.5 hours).
Upcoming Files:
Final Exam Guidelines (TBD)