Unit Three
(Re)Writing Ourselves?
In this unit:
You will pursue independent projects of your own. The parameters are pretty wide—you should be creating something that builds on all the work we’ve done so far in this class, about a 2K-3K equivalent in terms of scope. You may choose to write a traditional research paper, but you could also write up a proposal and IRB application for further research; create a work of art and write a companion piece to that artwork; build a mobile app mock-up + short paper on its value; create an immersive experience for others; etc. You’ll meet with me individually to propose/get approval for your projects, and you’re welcome to brainstorm with me earlier as you prefer.
By the unit’s end:
You should have in your possession an original project drawing on literacy activity and cognitive research, both for your own portfolio and also as a means of having made the course material “your own.” You should also be able to speak with confidence about literacy and cognition at the college level, having a firm introductory grasp of the breadth of material, as well as the key concepts and terminology.